Belize – Bibliography

Babcock, Elizabeth C., and Dennis Conway (2000). “Why International Migration Has Important Consequences for the Development of Belize.” Yearbook of the Conference of Latin Americanist Geographers 26:71-86. Barry, Tom (with Dylan Vernon). 1995. Inside Belize: The Essential Guide to its Politics, Economy, Society, and Environment. Albuquerque, New Mexico: Resource Center Press. Central Bank of Belize, Central Bank of Belize … Read more

Belize – Legal Framework That Regulates International Migration

Belize is a parliamentary democracy and a member of the Commonwealth of Nations. The structure of government is based on the British parliamentary system and the legal system is modeled on the Common Law of England. Regulation of entry and stay of migrants The law that regulates the entry, stay and departure of migrants is the … Read more

Barbados – Historical Synthesis of International Migration

In its early years of development, Barbados experienced the arrival of many settlers. Cane cultivation brought prosperity to the English colony, which became the “richest colony in English America,” attracting new settlers (Sutton and Makiesky, 1975). English landowners, unpaid workers and ranchers, as well as slaves brought from Africa to work on the sugar plantations, arrived on … Read more

Barbados – Legal Framework Regulating International Migration

The main legal framework for migration in Barbados is the Constitution of Barbados (1966), the Migration Act, Cap. 190 of February 2, 1976, and the Barbados Citizenship Act, Cap. 186 of November 30, 1966. Regulation of entry and stay of migrants Only citizens or permanent residents have the right to enter Barbados. All other people must request permission. There are … Read more

Belize – Historical Synthesis of International Migration

Belize is the only country in Central America whose official language is English. It was a British colony until 1964, the year in which Great Britain granted it autonomy, and became completely independent in 1981. In addition to its heterogeneity, a consequence of European colonization and African slavery, and the migration of numerous other cultural communities; One … Read more

Barbados – Bibliography

Barbados, Ministry of Foreign Affairs (2007) “Returning Nationals Information Booklet” Second Edition, Beckles, Hilary McD (2006). A History of Barbados From Amerindian Settlement to Caribbean Single Market. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Contribution of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, for the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (UNCHR) Compilation Report – Universal Periodic Revie, … Read more

Argentina – Bibliography

Devotee, Ferdinand (2002). “History of immigration in Argentina.” Editorial Sudamericana, Buenos Aires. Jachimowicz, Maia (2006). “Argentina: A New Era of Migration and Migration Policy.” Washington, DC. Migration Policy Institute. Moya, Jose C. (1998) Cousins ​​and Strangers: Spanish Immigrants in Buenos Aires. University of California Press: Los Angeles. Rock, David (1985). Argentina 1516-1982: from Spanish Colonization to the Falklands War. University of California Press, … Read more

Argentina – Regulatory Framework That Regulates International Migration

The Argentine National Constitution establishes the rights and guarantees that encompass all inhabitants, including non-citizens. It specifies the equality of all before the law, including access to employment, non-discriminatory taxes and public office. Similarly, foreigners have the right to exercise their commercial, industrial, and professional activities; to own, buy and dispose of the goods; to navigate the rivers … Read more

Argentina – Historical Synthesis of International Migration

After gaining its independence from Spain in the early 19th century, Argentina adopted an open immigration policy and encouraged immigrants to adopt the country as their own. For a brief period in the late 1880s, the government also subsidized boat passages for immigrants. It is estimated that between 1870 and 1930 the country received more than seven … Read more

Introduction (Countries)

This part of the publication includes summaries and statistical tables for each country participating in the Continuous Reporting System on International Migration in the Americas (SICREMI). Each report contains a historical synthesis of the international migration of each country since its independence, as well as a summary of the regulatory framework that regulates the entry and … Read more